Sunday, August 11, 2019

You Decide Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

You Decide - Research Paper Example People in developed world are happy with the advancement in technology while developing countries are struggling to keep up with the advanced technology. In the end, developed countries will have to reach an agreement to reduce their energy use in favor of developing countries due to growth in population in these countries, thus an increased demand on energy use to improve their livelihood. The world will require much energy supply in the coming 21st century. Nuclear energy has the potential to meet this demand. The most dominant sources of energy that have been used in developed and developing nations include fossil fuel, coal, oil, natural gas and in some countries they have used hydroelectric power, nuclear power and biomass. Air pollution in china has been on the increase due to energy use over the past decades, especially in urban areas and rural areas due to coal industries that are located in the countryside. It is stipulated that china has three of the ten most polluted cities which are not in accordance with world health organization air quality guidelines in the world (Abramsky, 2010). For example; Shenyang air pollution that took place 20 years ago due high levels of particulates and sulphur oxide in the atmosphere, which reduced visibility. The government of china has not only an obligation to address the problems of provision of basic services to increased numbers of people, develop economically but also address environmental problems of air pollution caused by rapid economic growth. A group of experts from various field in energy sector met in 2003 to discuss the way forward to reduce air pollution as part of energy policy in china. This led to incorporation of air pollution as an important matter when carrying out national planning. Planners in china have been able to look at the impacts of various choices of

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