Thursday, December 19, 2019

Important Events During American Labor Union History

LABOR-MANAGEMENT RELATIONS MINI CASE IMPORTANT EVENTS IN AMERICAN LABOR UNION HISTORY WEBSTER UNIVERSITY SONI VESTAL Abstract In labor as in all things there is strength in numbers it is this strength that American labor unions provide. Labor unions provide a collective voice for those who had not previously been heard. As the professor in the â€Å"Frustrated Labor Historian† Dr. Horace P. Karastan is left with the dilemma what are the three most important events in American labor union history it would be difficult to choose with so many important moments. There are however several events that stand out as being turning points in giving employees unquestionable protections. The Norris-LaGuardia Act of 1932 allowing employees the right to organize. Further the Wagner Act protecting employees from reprisal from employers for organizing spurring the growth of unionization. The Landrum-Griffin Act of 1959 building on the Wagner Act as well as the Taft-Hartley Act of 1947 which granted protections from the unions. It is these Acts that have changed the landscape of American labor union history and leav e us with the unions that we have today. IMPORTANT EVENTS IN AMERICAN LABOR UNION HISTORY In the mini case â€Å"The Frustrated Labor Historian† Dr. Horace P. Karastan was placed in a difficult position. There are many important events in American labor union history that it is difficult to choose just three that were to be the focal point of his presentation to the audience. ItShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Haymarket Bombing On American Labor Movement1186 Words   |  5 Pagesrecounted the American labor movement in the late 1800s. The main focus of Green’s book was the bombing of Haymarket, which occurred on May 4 in 1886. Beginning as a peaceful protest promoting the eight-hour work day, a bomb was thrown causing devastating consequences. 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